The analysis and research undertaken into the two harbours (summarised on boards 2 and 3), together with the Local Planning Brief requirements set out in policy and information gathered from meetings with stakeholders and harbour operators have helped us identify key opportunities that we think the Local Planning Brief needs to address.
These are:
- The large areas of un-managed surface car parking prevent other active or value generating uses coming forward, especially in St Peter Port. Many of these spaces are used for office parking and not to support the shops and business in Town
- Over the next 20+ years it is likely that the freight and passenger activities of the ports will need additional space and would benefit from reorganisation to work more effectively
- The reorganisation/relocation of some of the ”bad neighbour” uses, such as the fuel storage and power station in St Sampson, could allow for new uses and positive change to come forward
- Marine industries and related leisure activity is important for the Guernsey economy and local character and needs to be retained, refocused and given space to work better
- There is a lack of good quality public space in both of the harbours either for people to spend time or for it to fulfil its potential as a visitor and leisure destination
- Climate change means that flooding in the harbours will get worse over time and that a strategic flood defence strategy will need to be in place to make new uses and intensification of activity feasible
- The heritage assets and key views of the harbours are not celebrated at the moment and more can be done to focus attention on the areas strengths
- Wayfinding is tricky with poor signage and not enough thought given to different users
These issues have shaped the development of an emerging vision for the harbour action areas and nine vision enablers. As part of this consultation we would like your view on this and any feedback. This vision is designed to encourage the LPA to think positively about the future opportunities that can be created in both St Peter Port and St Sampson. Some of these opportunities may be possible in the short term whilst others may take longer to come to fruition.
Spill out space for cafes and restaurants can be combined with quality public realm to create convivial spaces for people to enjoy - click to enlarge
Appropriate street furniture, signage and wayfinding can enhance footfall through town centres and along the waterfront - click to enlarge
High quality public realm should be focussed around natural assets (e.g. the waterfront), as seen in this example in Regent’s Canal in this example in London - click to enlarge
Spill out space for cafes and restaurants can be flexible, and allow businesses to accommodate residents and visitors throughout the year - click to enlarge
Emerging Vision:
“To ensure that St Peter Port and St Sampson Harbour Action areas are fit for purpose for the future and that they enable positive change that benefits the community, the economy and the environment of the island as a whole.”
This will be achieved by:
- Managing and limiting the impact of climate change and sea level rise impacts on both St Peter Port and St Sampson.
- Protecting the needs of the operational harbour over time and in order to operate effectively and support Guernsey as whole.
- Supporting marine related industry and water-based activity along the eastern edge of Guernsey.
- Addressing the lack of space in the harbours given over to people and the amount of space given over to cars and to car parking. Consolidating active and sustainable transport infrastructure.
- Increasing and supporting land and water based leisure and tourism opportunities.
- Addressing a range of poor connections between the harbours and towns, particularly for those who are walking and cycling.
- Enabling investment and creating new opportunities for development that can help cross fund infrastructure improvements and provide additional benefits for the town(s) and people.
- Preserving views from the harbours of the water and back to the town(s).
- Supporting the heritage, character, richness and variety in the two harbours and town(s).
High quality mixed use development at the water’s edge, as seen here in Wapping Wharf, Bristol - click to enlarge
Dedicated routes should provide safe, accessible routes for various modes of transport, and should be combined wih high quality planting - click to enlarge
Planting and landscaping are in short supply on the harbours. In protected locations planters could be used to provide shelter and greening - click to enlarge