The Local Planning Brief will cover both St Sampson and St Peter Port, known together as the Guernsey Harbour Action Areas.
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design have been appointed by the Development & Planning Authority to prepare a Local Planning Brief for both the St Sampson and St Peter Port Harbour Action Areas. This is our first consultation event, and we would like to gather feedback on the work we have undertaken so far, and invite your input in order to inform the development of this document.
This strategic policy document will identify opportunities for change and enhancement of these two important areas along Guernsey’s east coast and will guide and shape development over the next 10-20 years. The project team includes harbour specialists, transport consultants, engineers, property advisors, planners and urban designers. Over the last six months the team have been making sure we have a good understanding of what happens in the two harbours, how they work and identifying opportunities for change that best support the island as a whole, its people, environment and economy.
This consultation is taking place before the Local Planning Brief is written in order to test out and review emerging ideas for the future and to get your feedback on the priorities for the Local Planning Brief. The aim of this public consultation is to gather your views and feedback on initial development themes and development scenarios. Both of the Harbour Action Areas are complex and support a wide range of activities and uses and so change will need to be carefully thought out and coordinated.
This initial consultation period is now closed.
We will now collate all responses and feed these into the production of a draft Local Planning Brief, and will provide updates on this in due course.